What Hydraulic Services Do My Machines Need? - Yancey Bros. Co.

When you’re the owner of heavy machinery with complicated hydraulic components, hydraulic services are something you have to know about. You want to protect your investment in your machinery and your job site schedule by keeping up with maintenance of your machinery’s hydraulic systems. Malfunctions and breakdowns can be costly, in both time and money. Regular upkeep by an expert hydraulic service technician will ensure that your machinery is optimized and working efficiency on every job site.

As Georgia’s top power house and with multiple locations, Yancey’s hydraulic repair shops have the expertise and certifications to meet your heavy equipment needs, from repair to overhaul on any component including motors, cylinders, pumps and valves.

Piston on a Cat machine which has received hydraulic services

Common Hydraulic Services

Yancey’s hydraulic repair shops offer lightning-fast turnarounds on hydraulic system inspections and repairs at convenient locations across the state, no matter what service you need. Our technicians are certified by Cat and go through rigorous, ongoing training. Here are some of the most common hydraulic services we offer:

Pump, Motor, and Valve Service

This service includes maintaining the crucial components of your machine’s hydraulic system that often must be disassembled to be inspected or find the reason for a failure. All components go through full load and pressure testing to ensure they’re functioning properly. If not, a Yancey technician can either repair or replace the affected part with an OEM or aftermarket part from our extensive inventory.

Cylinder Services

Hydraulic cylinders require a good bit of care. Your cylinder will sometimes need honing, or smoothing of the internal surface so that the cylinder moves better. Cylinders also require re-sealing or re-packing to improve fluid control. When you commit to proper maintenance, you’ll see immediate improvements in your machine’s operation. Yancey also offers custom rod, barrel, and piston fabrication to create replacement components for your specific cylinder, so you can always reliable repair the tiny moving parts.

Hose Replacement

Hoses are crucial components in hydraulic systems. Replacing them may sound simple, but hydraulic hoses can be tricky, because the pressure and hose sizes vary from machine to machine. Yancey’s hydraulic shops can fabricate hoses when you have a custom need to ensure that your machine gets exactly what it needs.

Get Hydraulic Services at Yancey

When you trust the experts at Yancey with your hydraulic service needs, you get our guarantee that the work is done right. We stand behind our work with a full 12-month warranty on all CAT repairs and six-month warranty on non-CAT repairs.

We have four dedicated hydraulic shops across Georgia:

Schedule a free inspection with us today.